CLARITY - 3rd Year BA Fine Art Exhibition

Events — Art Exhibition Coslett Cafe Windows, Anglia Ruskin University campus, Cambridge.
21 June 2021, 12:00

Last Autumn, the third year Fine Art students in the Cambridge School of Art began hatching plans to try and exhibit their work in public. Undeterred by the ever-increasing Covid-19 restrictions, which had once again forced galleries and venues to close their doors, the students came up with ideas, which included both creating exhibitions online, as well as in windows, where their work could be viewed safely from the outside. It wasn’t long however, before the world started to close in again and possibilities for achieving anything practical, whether related to work, study or social connections, became increasingly uncertain. Loneliness and isolation compounded the fact that facilities, materials and space were sometimes hard to find. It was during this difficult time, at the beginning of January, that the students were assigned into pairs and set a two-week long project to work in collaboration with one another online, in order to produce digital prints. The inspiration given for this project was the word ‘clarity’, a word that was particularly poignant to the situation at the time, and one that tied in nicely with their idea to exhibit work that could be seen through a window.

Clarity is the result of these two-week collaborations in January, a chance to see what can happen when two artists combine their creative skills and produce a single work. It is also a testament to the enthusiasm and ingenuity shown by this hard-working and determined group of artists.

Students and staff would like to thank the Cambridge School of Art management, Anglia Ruskin Digital Copy Services and the fantastic support given by the Estates team.

This exhibition will be on display from Wednesday 21 April to Monday 21 June.

CLARITY exhibition poster.
CLARITY exhibition poster.

No registration required.

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