ART & CARE, study day

Events — Study Day Online
2 April 2021, 16:00

A study day, part of the Cambridge Festival program, including a series of thematic conversations among academics and professionals, who will consider a new way in which we can look at the world from a 'caring' perspective.

Contributors include: Els van Wijngaarden (NL), Gustaaf Bos (NL), Barbara Lehta (Estonia/NL), Lorenzo Balbi (Italy), Karen Thomas (UK), Eveline Wandl-Vogt with Aleyda Rocha (Austria), Papa Baiden (UK/Italy), a detailed program will be available for participants.

The event is part of a growing international context aiming at collecting, sharing, and learning from examples of best practices impacting society, which looked through the lens of creative research and care ethics. An impact in society through social responsibility, activism, mutual support, and cooperation, and as applied to the care for the environment, urbanistic, heritage, education and art.
The exchange is part of an effort to establish a new post-disciplinary context for Care Ethics and Creative Research.

The event is led by Dr. Elena Cologni, Artist and Senior Research Fellow, Cambridge School of Art, Anglia Ruskin University, Associate Member of the Royal Society for Public Heath (Art and Health Interdisciplinary Group) and Dr. Merel Visse, Director Medical and Health Humanities at Drew University (US) and Associate Professor at the University for Humanistic Studies in The Netherlands, where the International Care Ethics Research Consortium is based lead the session. In collaboration with Kettle's Yard. 

ubuntu Elena Cologni
image credit: 'mother's tools' (2018), Elena Cologni

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