Festival of Performance - Picasso Project

Events — Live Streamed Performance Present Showcase Website
3 June 2021, 16:00

Two artists, one painter. Camila Amorim and Alisa Grokhovskaya provide their artistic impressions of Picasso, resulting in two very distinct performances connected in essence. 

The paintings interpreted are: 

Le Rêve, 1932

The Absinthe Drinker, 1901

Woman with yellow hair, 1927

Blue Nude, 1902

This project is movement focused. But besides movement, there’s original composed music by Ruben Albuquerque and Afonso Ferrão,  and a bit of animation.

Visit Alisa's Instagram.

Visit Camila's Instagram.

Abstract drawing of seated person.
"Picasso Impression".

Event contact: ag1164@student.aru.ac.uk

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