Trianon: The Treaty and The Postwar British-Hungarian Relations

Events — Online Talk ZOOM
27 April 2022, 18:30

Zoom Talk by Dr Ágnes Beretzky, Károli Gáspár University, Budapest 

The Treaty of Trianon (1920) has greatly reshaped Central-Europe and it looks very probable that in Hungary the memory of the lost territories still stings. The British role in peacemaking could be characterized by the acute antipathy of several leading British political figures towards Hungary, as well as inner conflicts, to say the least. Yet, the traditional balance of power considerations did not vanish either. On the contrary, the events of the period between 1920-27 justify Great-Britain’s active and even constant intervention in the Danube basin, most often in favour of Hungary.  However, as soon as the question of the revision of Trianon came to the forefront of Hungarian foreign policy, the apparent cooling of British-Hungarian relations followed as a result.  

A headshot photo of Dr Ágnes Beretzky.
A headshot photo of Dr Ágnes Beretzky.

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