Hello! I am Nellie, an illustrator from Sweden. During my time at university, I really found my voice in conceptual illustration and illustration based in stories. I get a lot of visual inspiration from movies, and I take that into my art by mindfully using composition and iconography to tell stories and explain concepts.
I work across many different styles and types of illustration and have recently explored animation and moving image. My main focus when I draw and paint is always shape and form, and I often mix traditional and digital techniques as I have a love both for classic painting and modern design. I also love drawing people and the human body, which is often the driving force in my illustrations.
What I love about illustration is that I get to make and discuss art with other people, and I have worked on many projects with other creatives, both as a colourist for animation and a comic, as well as currently working as a storyboard artist for animation.
Nellie Åstrand
Conceptual editorial image based on Oliver Sacks’ "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat"
Connect with Nellie
Book cover for the book "Giovanni’s Room". Portraying both the close relationship between the characters and the shame they feel over loving each other. Illustration based on a scene in Neil Gaiman’s short story "The Truth is a Cave in the Black Mountains". Part of my comic about a landmark of my youth, an old military post by the sea where I would spend a lot of my time. Aquatint, part of a series of sequential images from "Arethusa", a Story from Ovid’s "Metamorphoses". Project where I repackaged a series of juices from Cambridge Juice company. Hand-drawn animation with 100 frames. Represents change and how it is sometimes too much to handle.