I'm a 22-year-old video editor and motion designer just about to graduate from my Digital Media Production degree at Anglia Ruskin University. I love working with archive and existing footage and breathing new life into it with music and motion. Taking existing stories and having the challenge of communicating the message through my visuals is something I enjoy doing. After Effects Is my favourite software to use but I've also taken a delight in using Illustrator and Photoshop to help create digital assets.
I've made many videos for weddings, funerals, online churches, the local council and friends and family for about 5 years. I've also been the video editor and publisher for Bethel Ipswich's YouTube channel for 4 years. I'm hoping that my experience helps me to start a career in the creative industry.
My project 'Who I Am' is a piece of personal history showing a short story of music In the early years of my life and the people that Introduced me to It. Although I was Influenced by my family members at the beginning of my life, I soon discovered who I was. It's told through a collection of multimedia such as photography, animation, audio, and motion graphics created on software’s such as After Effects, Illustrator, Audition and Photoshop.
I really wanted to create something that doesn't exist yet and something that has value. I wanted to make a piece of personal history that I could share to future generations In my family.
It was designed in a special aspect ratio as it was made to be projected on a wide slim wall for the degree show. It would make the video more immersive, personal and most importantly an experience.
Digital Media Production
Sadé Simmonds
Screenshot from 'Who I Am'
My project 'Who I Am' is a multimedia motion graphics musical short story about my family, the music in my life and how It Influenced me.
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Screenshot from 'Who I Am' Screenshot from 'Who I Am' Screenshot from 'Who I Am' Screenshot from 'Who I Am'