My name is Scarlet Thomas and I’m an illustrator from Oxford.
I enjoy experimenting with colour, texture and composition and exploring different medias such as gouache, screen printing, collage, and inks. I love working lyrically, creating an atmosphere, and illustrating a narrative.
I enjoy working in multiple areas of illustration, including editorial, publishing and children’s book illustrations. Colour plays a huge role in my practice; I’m drawn to limited colour palettes and bold colour pairings.
Drawing and painting on location make up the foundation of my work, I love to take my sketchbook out and about.
During these projects, I have pushed myself out of my comfort zone. Taking on areas of illustration that I haven’t explored before. I aimed to broaden my portfolio and further explore different techniques and media.
Scarlet Thomas
A double page spread from my project illustrating Angela Carter’s "The Courtship of Mr Lyon".
Connect with Scarlet
A double page spread from my project illustrating Angela Carter’s "The Courtship of Mr Lyon". The cover illustration for my picture book project of ‘Danny the Champion of the World’ by Roald Dahl A double page spread from my picture book project for ‘Danny the Champion of the World’. A book cover for "The Secret History" by Donna Tartt. Part of an editorial series exploring the lack of beauty in modern day architecture. I was inspired to create this project by the architecture in Lisbon, after visiting in second year. Collaged the endpapers for a picture book project "I Wish".