Photographer and creative, seven years ago I made a choice that changed my life. Based in Cambridge and London, I picked up a camera and I could not be happier.
Over the many years I have developed my practice, adapted to situations and persevered through difficult times to do what I love. My main passion is to shoot cars and photograph models, but between this I also help run two community pages and host events in the UK bringing like-minded creatives together.
My dream is to take my photography around the world, with the goal to become one of the best automotive photographers by further developing my automotive craft, by learning from other photographers in my community while also handing down what I learn to others.
I created this set of automotive photography to express my love for cars but also my concerns of what I may have to deal with in the future, like ULEZ and other bans like the prevention of sale of petrol or diesel cars in 2030/35.
This automotive set is based on my upbringing, from watching Fast and Furious to being in the passenger seat of a car that is going 0-60 in under a second and feeling the adrenaline rush flow through my veins, or watching our car group convoy down the motorway, to arranging cars to shoot and capture some staggering sick photographs of a car, that a person has put hundreds of hours, and thousands of pounds into. Sometimes a photo will not do it justice but capturing the moment in time and making an image that will last forever is my favourite part of what I do.
Tyler Brinkworth
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